Friday, August 20, 2010

'And now time for the weather. Tiffany?' True Blood Episode 309.


Review might be a little boring (and shit) this week because I’ve been sick for days and the brain is still kind of on lazy-time. This weeks episode, 309 ‘Everything is Broken’, was up, down, sideways and all over the place like a yo-yo gone berserk. Here’s what was what in my humblest of opinions.

The bad:

Jason, Crystal and the Hotshot ferals- Snoooore. I’m sorry, but these two have a complete lack of chemistry and aren’t doing anything for me. There are no interesting characters to come out the Hotshot family/cult/whatever, just scummy redneck after scummy redneck. Jason is one of the best characters on the show, and right now he’s being wasted in this storyline. And what their deal is has been drawn out almost as much as the whole ‘What is Sookie?’ question. Just do the big reveal so we can get to the action!
Tommy Mickens turns into a little prick- Every time Tommy showed up on screen this week I just wanted to clock him in the face. I don’t want him to turn into one of those characters that you just hate, rather than love to hate.
Holly showing up everywhere already- Call me old fashioned, but I kinda like being introduced to my brand new characters gradually, not having them in lengthy scenes and all up in everyone’s business right away. I suspect we were given a Holly-overload because she’ll be a major character in season 4 and they want to get as much of her backstory out as possible, but I would have preferred a more subtle approach. That, and she’s not all that interesting yet.
Gratuitous boob shots- Show Anna’s in the shower, fine, we’ve seen them before. But topless, huge breasted gals in Tommy’s apartment and Nan Flanagan’s limo? Unnecessary. Don’t shock just to shock, TB, you’re better than that.
‘I know what you are…’ cut, end scene- FFS, JUST SPIT IT OUT ALREADY!!!!

The neutral:

Lafayette and Jesus- It’s good to see Lafayette in a different situation where he seems genuinely happy, but for me it’s the same deal with these two as it is with Jason and Crystal: not feeling it.
Sam turns into a bad guy- While seeing a darker side of Sam would be…interesting, I just don’t want it. I want the only nice guy left in Bon Temps to stay nice, not beating people almost to death! The fact that this is probably because of his aggro shit of a little brother makes me hate Tommy even more.
The Authority and Eric’s looooong statement- The Authority are a fairly normal looking bunch who have a nice shiny lair with a giant-ass TV? O-kay. And Alex, you were great and did I did enjoy these scenes, but they were maybe dragged out just a little too long. And bitchy Nan was getting on my nerves.

The good:

Werewolf corpse house cleanup- A lot of people seem to be down on Bill/Sookie at the moment, but I really liked this scene. There was some nice, sarcastic comedy, some drama and some plot development (Sookie telling Bill she knows about the secret file and him spinning more bullshit about it) all together. I know most are anticipating some change, but Paquin and Moyer do have more chemistry than any other couple on the show and I think this should be appreciated.
Eric and Pam- One of the best things about recent episodes has been seeing a softer side to Eric and Pam’s relationship, and they had yet another lovely moment this episode. Alex and Kristin seem very easy and comfortable with each other and it shows in their scenes. I do believe it was also the most openly vulnerable that we’ve seen Eric (he’s clearly not confident at all at being able to defeat Russell) and his character always tends to get much more interesting when he lets his ice-cool façade down.
Hoyt and Jessica- Hoyt surrounded by creepy dolls and admitting he hates biscuit-baking, antique-loving, disturbingly-chipper new girlfriend Summer was priceless enough. But then these two had such a sweet little moment and seemed to reconnect a little bit. Please please please please let these two get back together. At least a couple of people deserve to be happy, and these two are adorable as puppies.
Talbot-in-a-jar- TALBOT LIVES! Well, lives on on-screen is what I meant, in the form of gooey remains being carted around by Russell in a crystal decanter-type thing. Stroke. Of. Genius. Especially when Russell talks to the jar and even holds it up so Talbot can see all the guards protecting his murderer Eric.

The freakin' spectacular:

Russell f’n Edgington and his television debut- Wow. Holy grossness, I was not expecting that. Just when I thought I couldn’t love Russell or the incredible Denis O’Hare any more, he rips out the spine of a newscaster on live TV, then proceeds to give a shit-scary monologue warning all humans that vampires really don’t want to be their equals. They want to eat us. After they eat our children. And then, after he gets the entire audience (that would be us, not the poor sods watching the fictional news) positively terrified, he delivers one of the most pants-pissingly funny lines in the show’s history and instantly goes down in infamy. This man is just an insanely brilliant actor, and this was one of the best TB endings ever and probably saved a fairly inconsistent episode. Time for the weather, Tiffany?


I’m tempted to give a 7 for that amazing Russell scene, but to be honest I definitely enjoyed this episode the least out of the whole season so far, so I guess it has to rate lower than the previous low of 7. So that would make it a could-do-better but still had it’s moments, respectable:


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