Monday, September 6, 2010

'Do you think I would have noticed if there were fairies bouncing around in the world?' True Blood Episode 311

3.11 - Fresh Blood

So this is late. Very late. But it doesn't matter because due to Americans celebrating their Labour there is no new episode this week. Really, could the timing of that public holiday be any worse, the week that should have been the season finale? Anyway, I'll keep this review to a brief dot-point version since I think it's probably too late to be relevant anyway.

-The episode had a great beginning with Bill and Pam in fisticuffs. Not to mention Yvetta getting some lines. Her Estonian accent is hilarious.
-Jesus and Lafayette coming down from their V trip was just as uninteresting as the trip itself. Keep this shit up and the usually entertaining Lafayette will end up just like...
-Jason. He and Crystal are just leaving me cold, not to mention bored, every week. There is a major flaw going on with this pairing, and I don't know it's the acting or directing but not for one second have I bought that they are in love. And I don't give a rat's about her hillbilly freakshow were-panther clan in Hotshot.
-Jessica and Hoyt back together is seven million kinds of win, and the scene where she drank his blood was
-The much anticipated Northman v Edgington showdown was an ok scene, but way too civil all the way through. They should definitely have had some sort of brutal vamp fight before making the deal, although now that I think about it it may have been too unrealistic to expect Eric to stand a chance. Big thumbs up for 'To lose the only man I ever loved because you miss your mommy and daddy.'
-Sam was a fucking jerk and I was so disappointed in him. Then I watched it again, and laughed my ass off. Now I think I like drunk Sam.
-Maxine Fortenberry! Shitfire!
-I actually liked the scene with Bill and Sookie fantasising about their 'normal' lives in the car, which seems to have been pretty unpopular. I think it was supposed to be viewed with a wink and a nudge, with both the characters and the audience knowing that all the things they were saying could never possibly happen. And even though I was expecting Russell and Eric to swoop in (literally) it was still really cool.
-My biggest problem with the episode: why in the san hell did they spend so much time on Arlene and her demon-spawn baby? This is the 2nd last ep of the season ferchrissakes, use the time to wrap up the main angle well! Grrr, boo, hiss, angry Jess.
-For example, they could have spent longer on Bill and Eric's fake fight (which was great while it lasted, I'm a sucker for those two tiffing physically or otherwise) and their cunning scheming to take down Russell. But everything after this inside Fangtasia was excellent, and the ending was one of the best ever. I have no idea what's going to happen in the season finale and am super excited for it. Here's hoping they don't kill off Russell, he's too amazing to die! Just let him disappear for now so he can pop up in future episodes, still hauling around Talbot-in-a-jar and delivering a slew of memorable lines.


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